In reconsidering how it might best contribute to the management of the Bream Head Scenic Reserve, the Trust decided that ecological restoration within a five-year time frame would be its key focus. This has led to the drafting of the Ecological Restoration Plan which provides an overview of what can be realistically achieved in the next five years (2012-2017), and all going well, the possibility of reintroducing lost species.
The Plan directly feeds into the Trust’s vision to restore and maintain the ecological environment at Bream Head, and has been jointly developed with the local community and key agencies to guide work at Bream Head for the next five years.
The preparation of this Plan reflects the need for a more focused and action-oriented approach to the Trust’s restoration efforts, and for this approach to have support from the local community and be compatible with other restoration efforts being undertaken in the wider Whangarei Heads area.
The Plan acknowledges the key threats to the Bream Head area and provides a focus for work programmes for the next five years.
Download the Five Year Plan Nov 2011 (1.5MB pdf).