Due to the amazing turn out on Sunday 7th June and the efficient planting techniques developed by Bream Head Conservation Trust and its volunteers, we have no more plants left to put in the ground for next Sunday the 14th June. Forty wonderful volunteers turned out on a beautiful Northland winter’s day and made short work of planting approximately 1600 plants in just over two hours (historically we usually plant 700-800 plants per planting day)!
Therefore we have to cancel the planned second day of planting this Sunday the 14th June. Could all of your receiving this that know of anyone planning to attend please advise them of the cancellation.
Thanks again to all those who made it a wonderful day on the 7th, all the great people who keep coming back year after year, the new volunteers and our friends from Limestone/Matakohe Island too.
Anyone wanting to help with more planting there is a planting day at Limestone/Matakohe Island on Sunday 21st June. Pickup for the boat ride to the island is 9am at the Onerahi Yacht Club boat ramp. For more information contact Bernie Buhler (Island Ranger) [email protected] or tel (09) 436 0923
Adam Willetts
Project manager/ranger -
Bream Head Conservation Trust
The Trust has established a planting programme which has seen the planting of over 37,000 trees and plants between 2002 and 2015.
Planting is a key project of the Trust to help the ecological enhancement of the Reserve and provide an opportunity for community involvement. The Trust will continue its revegetation efforts at the Busby Head end of the Reserve with planting around the coastal fringe, in areas of thick kikuyu; and the strategic planting on the banks of streams feeding into the harbour.
Manuka, kanuka, flax and pohutukawa trees grown at the Kerikeri Shadehouse by Royal Forest & Bird volunteers are planted with the plants paid for by the Trust.
The success of the planting programme has been possible due to the valuable support and efforts of volunteers and Trust sponsors.