Ocean Beach Weed Management

Five Year Plan 2013 - 2018

Ocean Beach is seriously compromised by invasive weeds. Our aim for weed management is the natural recovery of indigenous species and we want to work with the local community, Friends of Bream Head, Whangarei District Council and Northland Regional Council to knock back the weeds.

Building on the success of three weeding events in 2012 and 2013 we have decided to extend efforts at Ocean Beach. We have divided the beach into four distinct zones - Foredunes, Backdunes, Main Stream and Pine Forest. Wendy Holland (co-chair of our Restoration Committee) along with Stuart Jackson, Laura Shaft (both WDC) and Sara Brill (NRC) made a site assessment and have provided specific advice on weed management and chemical control. Major pests include exotic iceplant, buffalo grass, poplar, bamboo, lantana and German ivy.

Bringing this advice into one place we have created a Five Year Plan for weed management and revegetation at Ocean Beach. The plan is now publicly available (see below) and we are inviting comments and participation from the local community, organisations and anyone interested in conservation along our coast.

Read the full Five Year Strategic Plan for Invasive Weed Management and Revegetation at Ocean Beach (846kB pdf).

Please email your comments to Wendy Holland [email protected]. We would especially appreciate comments received before the end of January 2014.