Trust Newsletter - September 2012

Conservation Volunteers at Bream Head Reserve

These are very exciting times for the Trust. The results we are achieving from the ecological efforts speak for themselves.
Should these continue, in our expanded effort provided through increased funding we will be able to start the process of bringing back some of the lost species to Bream Head.

The Trust has received substantial funding from The Ministry for The Environment’s Community Environment Fund for use over the next three years. This has been received because of our recognition and support by other funding agencies, in particular Refining NZ, and the five-year work plan prepared with the community groups, Northland Regional Council and the Department of Conservation. Work done by volunteers over the years, and the results already achieved in the core area and with the Busby volunteer trappers, have also helped in gaining this support. The ecological restoration work by The Trust at Bream Head is now recognised nationally as well as locally.

Want to know how much money we received and how we’re planning to spend it?
Take a look at the information packed Trust Newsletter for September 2012 (850kB pdf).