Trust Newsletter - November 2011

The Trust is endeavouring to take a pragmatic approach to its responsibilities for the Bream Head Scenic Reserve. This has meant focusing on actions that will give us on the ground results as well as being inclusive in our decision making by involving the wider Whangarei Heads/Parua Bay community and organisations that have influence over the environment in this wider area. The Predator Proof Fence has now been placed on a “watching brief”. This means that the Trust, through the Department of Conservation is learning from the predator fence experiences throughout New Zealand and the benefits the latest technology is starting to bring to predator control. Before a commitment is made to commence with a fence we want to learn from the experiences of others which are proving to be varied and costly in terms of maintaining such an infrastructure. In other words, the fence is currently seen as “a bridge too far”. We will keep you informed of any progress and new technologies . In the meantime, we are concentrating on what can be achieved without a fence.

Trustees with Sir Paul Reeves at Bream Head Scenic Reserve

Read the November 2011 Trust Newsletter in full (1.5MB pdf).