The Trust has been appreciative of the support, both in donations and volunteer time, which it has received. There have been plenty of activities undertaken over the summer period and the Trust has been pleased with the wide range and increasing numbers of visitors to the Bream Head Scenic Reserve.
The Busby Trappers, volunteers who meet on the second Sunday of each month at the Urquhart Bay car park, have had some excellent results based on the knowledge gained from the trapping work on the core restoration area behind Peach Cove. The Snorkelling Day at Smugglers built on the success of last year with more than 80 people actively participating in the water. The Whangarei District Council has constructed toilets at the entrance to the Urquhart Bay end of the Reserve and visits by schools to the Reserve have been very successful.
Click to downloiad the full Bream Head Conservation Trust Newsletter March 2012 (920kB pdf).