kaka at bream head

Newsletter - September 2014

September 25, 2014

IN THIS NEWSLETTER : September 2014 FUNDING SUCCESS / PLANTING NEWS / SUN LOVING SKINK / THE PEST WAR   Bring on The Birds Success with DOC Funding The first allocation from the new Department of Conservation Community Conservation Partnerships …


Excellence at the Westpac Business Awards

October 31, 2013

We’ve had tremendous success at the 2013 Westpac Business Excellence Awards. The Bream Head Conservation Trust won three prestigious awards: Sustainable Business Award – Northland Regional Council sponsor Best Not for Profit Organisation Award – Top Energy sponsor Excellence in …

bream head reserve trap locations

10 Years On…

…and you can hear the success! Collectively we are doing great work and the results are phenomenal. Bellbirds, kaka, oi (grey faced petrel) and an extremely rare skink are all part of the successes we are now experiencing. Our strength …

Conservation Volunteers at Bream Head Reserve

Trust Newsletter - September 2012

September 11, 2012

These are very exciting times for the Trust. The results we are achieving from the ecological efforts speak for themselves. Should these continue, in our expanded effort provided through increased funding we will be able to start the process of …

Education Day at Bream Head

Trust Newsletter - March 2012

July 19, 2012

The Trust has been appreciative of the support, both in donations and volunteer time, which it has received. There have been plenty of activities undertaken over the summer period and the Trust has been pleased with the wide range and …

Trustees with Sir Paul Reves at Bream Head Scenic Reserve

Trust Newsletter - November 2011

November 14, 2011

The Trust is endeavouring to take a pragmatic approach to its responsibilities for the Bream Head Scenic Reserve. This has meant focusing on actions that will give us on the ground results as well as being inclusive in our decision …