Kauri Dieback Cleaning Box

Rangers Report November 2015

December 17, 2015

During November the Bream Head Conservation Trust team have attended the Spring festival event at Whangarei Heads school, hosted and guided a WWF communications staff member, starting trialing the spatial mapping smartphone app, installed some awesome new PTA (Kauri Dieback …


Rangers Report September 2015

October 12, 2015

Bream Head’s traps are very quiet at the moment with no sign of any mustelid (Ferret, Stoat, Weasel), Possums or Feral Cats. This is fantastic news for all our endemic species recovering in the reserve who are producing offspring over the next …

extreme trapping at the old woman

Rangers Report August 2015

September 14, 2015

Through August the Trust rangers have continued to keep the pressure on the last remaining pests at the eastern tip of the reserve by continuously loading up the new bait stations and traps in this last area. Our Tracking index …

grey faced petrels

Rangers Report July 2015

August 24, 2015

July was another busy and exciting month for the Trust, the ranger team and awesome volunteers with two outstanding achievements. Firstly there was confirmation of active use of burrows by Grey Faced Petrels on Bream Head. Secondly, I am very …

sea bird burrows?

Rangers Report June 2015

July 22, 2015

Warm winter greetings…it has been a very productive June out at Bream Head. The network of bait stations, monitoring and trap lines that the Trust requires to manage the entire 800ha reserve are all now marked and cut. Only a …

tracking tunnel with rat prints

Rangers Report May 2015

June 16, 2015

The warm dry days of late summer and autumn have well and truly left us and as I write this that winter pattern of cool, wet west to southwest weather has set in. This is great for the majority of …

Bernie Buhler with Twilight the kiwi

Rangers Report March 2015

April 20, 2015

The hot weather continues, and with the regular patches of rain we have received the bush habitat in the reserve appears in really good condition for this time of year. Fortunately cyclone Pam did not cause too much damage at …

Crombie Lockwood in Air New Zealand in-flight magazine

Rangers Report - February 2015

March 18, 2015

The trust has featured very well in a recent Air New Zealand in-flight magazine. The article describes the new relationship with Whangarei Insurance brokers Crombie Lockwood and our trust, particularly focusing on how important it is for businesses to give back to …

Steve Henderson NRC

Rangers Report - January 2015

February 23, 2015

As promised the ranger team have been out in the reserve throughout December and January with a small break around New Year. We have been busy with our usual bait and trapping rounds, Argentine Ant monitoring and contriol, Lizard monitoring, …

local business volunteers at bream head

Rangers Report - November 2014

December 11, 2014

It seems the warmer weather is bringing out not only the stunning native flowers and new growth but visitors to the reserve are increasing also as summer and the festive season fast approaches. I have been enjoying visiting and hosting …