Become a Volunteer

It has been a busy summer for Friends of the Bream Head Conservation Trust which involved the following activities:

• A joint operation between the Whangarei Heads Landcare Forum, Friends of Matakohe Limestone Island and DoC (with support from BNZ Save the Kiwi) saw the release of two kiwi chicks (Finn & Kelly) into the reserve.

• A working bee at Smugglers to tackle weed pests, fence off more of the foredune to help with the recovery of Spinifex and a beach clean up.

• The replacement and installation of new culverts on the Home Point track by Colin Edwards and his team of volunteers. Their efforts, together with DoC have helped to keep the track in good condition

• A snorkelling event held at Smugglers supported by Experiencing Marine Reserves (EMR). It was a brilliant day with perfect weather and sea conditions. Over 80 people got in the water to learn how to explore the marine world in the bay assisted by experienced snorkelling guides

• Keeping rabbit numbers down

The Trust would like to thank the many volunteers who volunteer their time, share their knowledge and expertise and give their support to make these activities a success.

Volunteers play an important role in supporting and achieving the aims of the Bream Head Conservation Trust.

There are a number of activities and projects in which volunteers of all ages and levels of fitness can be involved.

To find out more complete the following form.

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