Through August the Trust rangers have continued to keep the pressure on the last remaining pests at the eastern tip of the reserve by continuously loading up the new bait stations and traps in this last area. Our Tracking index results have again returned very positive with low pest figures and increasing percentages in key indicator species (endemic species monitored as evidence of ecosystem health). Even the new tracking tunnel line in area four returned no tracked pests…quite outstanding considering this area has only just begun to receive pest control by the Trust!
Taking the battle to dizzy heights
When a new area is being brought under intense management we are in the area every second or
third day. This method of very intensive control is known as the “knockdown” period and during
this time it is vital that regular freshening of baits and loading of toxin is maintained so as
to avoid trap or toxin shyness. If a station was to run out of toxin and a
pest only got enough to get very sick but not die it could well mean that this animal will never
go back into a bait station again! Below is a great photo taken by ranger Bruce Cole-Baker
showing the typical terrain out near the “Old Woman”. You can see why it is my
favourite place on the reserve!
Read the August 2015 Rangers Report (991KB pdf) for more details on this and other stories.