Kiaora/Gidday everyone, my name is Adam Willetts, I am the very fortunate person to be recently appointed as the project manager/ranger for BHCT. I have now been a ranger for 12 years, my most recent role was as senior biodiversity ranger for DOC on Great Barrier Island. For six years I was the project manager/ranger at a regional park in Christchurch and before that ranger in charge of Mansion House and its reserve on Kawau Island.
I started work for BHCT on the 10th of March and we haven’t stopped since, sweating it out on the hill to catch up on the servicing of bait stations and traps with Evan and Bruce as well as reading all the material on the hard drive from Pete. Late last month we started cutting the new lines into area four (the final area to be broken in) which, when completed with bait stations, traps, listening devices, tracking tunnels etc will mean the trust will be managing biodiversity over the entire 800ha of the reserve!!
Read the March 2014 Rangers Report in full (486kB pdf) for more details, including Kiwi Release, Tuesday 6th May 2014, 4:30pm.