Rangers Report - November 2013

tree mounted birdsong recorder

A tree mounted bird song recorder. We are using these to capture the dawn chorus. We hope to build up a collection of calls and see/hear differences over time.

It has been another eventful month with the highlight being the local Westpac Business Awards - the Trust successfully taking out three of the eight prizes. This sparked a lot of interest at the presentation dinner with the Trust not only winning the Best Not for Profit award but also the Sustainable Business award and the Excellence in Business – Owner operator award. The Trust has worked hard over the last couple of years to put good sound management processes in place that provide timely and transparent information to all stake holders; it was very nice to receive this outstanding public acknowledgement.

We have also been getting some attention from Cantabrian Mark Pickering who has written many well known tramping and walking books including 202 Great Walks: The best day walks in New Zealand (Reed) 2003. Mark is researching a new book which will feature four New Zealand Landscapes, one of them being Bream Head. Mark recently visited the Reserve to check out the restoration aspect, which involved a nice walk through Cabbage Tree Flat servicing mustelid traps while he interviewed me on the run!


Read the November 2013 Rangers Report in full (528kB pdf).