Rangers Report - August 2013

huhana the female kiwiThis is Huhana the female we released in May at Smugglers Bay. We released her with a transmitter on a temporary band so we could see how she settled in. As we have been reporting she has stayed close to the release site and has been hanging out in the scrubby gully behind the rocky beach over from
Smugglers Bay.

She was in good condition a couple of weeks ago when Cathy and Gaelyn caught up with her but has lost a little weight since she arrived. She may be finding Bream Head a bit tougher than Limestone Island where she came from.

Read the August 2013 Rangers Report in full (600kB pdf).

Rangers Report - July 2013

bream head dog walking areas

click for larger image

Planting has been top of the list this month. This is a major focus for the Restoration
Committee each year with Wendy Holland taking responsibility for co-ordinating the project. Just over two thousand plants went in the ground which now brings the total close to 30,000 planted!

Whangarei District Council has recently tidied up the dog by laws around beach access adjacent to DOC land. These rules now also apply to the intertidal zone. The map indicates the restricted areas and where dogs can be wallked. Both Ocean Beach adjacent to the baches and surf club and Urqhart Bay remain available but some summer time restrictions may apply, please check with WDC.

Read the July 2013 Rangers Report in full (760kB pdf).