Rangers Report - March 2013

Dry, dry, dry and the fantastic summer weather continues. The bush is looking rather stressed with lots of leaf fall and young Mahoe in particular are wilting badly, they need the big sprinkler to start up.

This month we welcomed Bruce Cole-Baker to the contractor team; Bruce is a local with family at Taiharuru and is enjoying being back at the Heads after several years away in America. Bruce is a keen, very fit cyclist and is already enjoying the challenges of working on the hill. Bruce will work one day a week initially assisting with mustelid control but we are also training him up on all aspects of the restoration work.

It was great to see so many people turn out again for the annual Bream Head Conservation Trust and Experiencing Marine Reserves snorkeling event held at Woolshed Bay. Almost one hundred people took the plunge assisted by a great team of guides in the water.

Read the March 2013 Rangers Report in full (382kB pdf).